Castle Campbell

Clava Cairns




Loch Ness



This was our last stop on our Scotland tour, except for one last night in Glasgow searching for a Deacon Blue CD and dinner. The Castle is at the end of a long, steep, single track road, and, of course, we met someone trying to come down as we went up. Luckily they backed up, although I think they damaged one side of their car on the stone wall. Ruins take their toll, even now…

This castle used to be called Castle Gloom, but apparently the Campbells didn't care for that, so they had it legally changed. Go figure. <g>

The central courtyard. To the right is what's left of the Great Hall--the next two shots are an aerial view of that hall taken from the top of the wall to the left. The tower on the left is still relatively intact.



This is the view from the Castle. Not bad, hmmm?

For all those who wondered about the toilet facilities, I added this shot of the deluxe model. The economy version is off the Great Hall and was about half this size with no metal seat.

Considering how cold this place was, I'm not sure which I'd prefer. Holding it until they invented space heaters, maybe…

Castle Campbell

Clava Cairns




Loch Ness

