The display even has a Discworld holiday sign. Happy Hogswatch, everybody!!

The snack bar was modeled after another Ankh-Morpork establishment, which has seen quite a bit of action (and bloodshed) in Terry's books.

Here's the facade:

The guardian by the door is a troll, of course.

But don't worry. He's a proud member of the AMCW (Ankh-Morpork City Watch).

I have two more pages of pictures of the Mended Drum for all you Discworld fans out there. For the rest of you, you might want to click here to jump ahead to the last WorldCon page, which has my favorite WorldCon quotes. Or, if you'd rather, click here to skip on ahead to the Canadian portion of our trip.

Otherwise, use the arrows below to explore the world of the Mended Drum.