I'm Watching You


All along, I'd been asking to see a leopard. Finally, it was down to the last day and we were all exhausted. Instead of an all-day, 11 hour game drive, Bram negotiated with the drivers for a morning drive and an afternoon drive.

At this point, we had seen a leopard, but she'd been in a tree partially obscured by branches. The morning drive was good (that's when we saw the cheetah), but no other leopard. Only Dave and I managed to drag ourselves away from the hotel for the afternoon drive, and we were richly rewarded for our pains.

The driver suddenly turned to us and said "Leopard!", then pulled over. Sure enough, a leopard strolled across the road and climbed a tree, where she proceeded to gaze back at us as if contemplating whether she could pry us out of our tin can!