Pictures taken while walking around Half Moon Bay, 2022


North of Pillar Point, a cove almost nobody finds.

This trail skirts the cliff edge. Twenty feet behind me is a row of houses. I hope the owners can sell before their houses fall into the sea.

There must be a lot of fish down there. The seagulls are all over it.


Misty days are more common than clear ones.

I call this shot "maybe tomorrow". (Six months later I still haven't hiked that far.)

This reminds me of the concrete fallout shelters in some post-apocalypse movies. Sadly, it's just a sewer maintenance station behind a chain link fence.

This tree sort of looks like a surprised ent.

These are hills, not mountains, but I think I heard dwarves singing about misty mountains.


Not everybody with west facing windows is a fan of the pacific sunset. These guys covered their deck with shade tarps to block it.

If you have a hillside lot, you do what you have to do, in order to get windows with an ocean view. Bringing in the groceries in the rain isn't much fun.

This neighborhood is so tired of sightseers trying to get a view, they had a special sign constructed.

There's a boat landing used by a lot of day fishers. Nearby is a big metal fish cleaning table and this disposal for the smelly leftovers.

A small apartment building for those who definitely want surf noise at night.

They decided not to rebuild these streets after coastal erosion. It's a 50 foot drop to the ocean if you ignore the barricade.

The back garden of our apartment on Palma Street

Not sure what plant this is, but it's pretty.